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本书在学习普通英语(包括常用词汇和语法结构)的基础上,结合学生已经掌握的关于土木工程的专业知识,以培养学生的专业英语阅读能力为目标,选取九个单元的文章内容,涉及建筑材料、结构分析、钢筋混凝土结构、钢结构、土木工程施工、 招投标、土木工程管理、土木工程基础设施等九个方面的专业英语知识,从而使大家对土木工程领域内的专业词汇以及科技类文献中的常用句型有初步的了解和基本的学习,同时每单元后面配有阅读文献和中文翻译,仅供学有余力的同学学习,为以后查阅专业文献和参与国际交流打好基础。 本书可供本科及大专院校土木工程专业学生、教师使用,也可作为相关专业的设计和施工技术人员的参考书。
Chapter 1 Introduction to civil Engineering. 1 What is civil Engineering. 1 Reading material One. 5 Reading material Two. 10 Chapter 2 Construction Materials. 12 2.1Introduction of Construction Materials. 12 2.2Cement 15 2.3 Aggregates. 17 2.4Concrete. 19 2.5Steel 24 Reading material One. 30 Reading material Two. 36 Chapter 3 Structural Analysis. 49 3.1Introduction to structural design. 49 3.2Loads. 51 3.3Concepts of Structural Analysis. 53 3.4Investigation of Structural Behavior 56 3.5 Compression Members Analysis. 61 Reading material One. 64 Reading material Two. 80 Chapter4 Reinforced concrete structure. 93 4.1 Reinforced concrete structure. 93 4.2 Prestressed Concrete. 97 Reading material One. 100 Chapter5 Steel Structure. 108 5.1 Structural Steel 108 5.2 Structural Steel Behavior 113 Reading material One. 117 Chapter6 Civil engineering construction. 133 6.1 Civil Engineering Construction. 133 6.2 Concrete structure reinforcement 136 Reading material One. 140 Chapter 7 Civil Infrastructures. 147 7.1 Roads. 147 7.2 Concrete Bridges. 153 7.3 High-rise building. 159 7.4 Shield Tunneling Method. 164 7.5Dams. 168 Reading material One. 172 Reading material Two. 180 Chapter8 Project Management of Civil Engineering. 188 8.1 Engineering Cost Management and Estimation. 188 8.2 Quality Control and Safety During Construction. 191 Reading material one. 196 Chapter9 Bidding and tendering of Civil Engineering. 207 9.1 Introduction of Bidding. 207 9.2 Bidding Procedure of Civil Engineering. 210 9.3 Bidding and Tendering Documents. 220 Reading Material One. 236 Reading Material Two. 240